Dear all, I am so excited to finally share this with you: I have decided to make a huge step: From now on, I will focus on my art professionally, first and foremost. Although, I will still be working as a part time project manager at  LEAD Academy, I will dedicate the larger part of my time to creating and sharing art! It took me months to prepare this step and I’m so happy I am doing it now. Bismillah, now or never.

In this sense: A thousand thanks to my family, my special consultant, my friends and my teams for being so supportive and so patient with me! I know, I haven’t been too much in touch with all the lovely people around me and I apologize for taking so much time to reply to your messages! From now on, I will be better, inshallah (god willing)!

So hopefully, more art and more news, soon! Stay tuned 🙂