
Inspired by a conversation with a friend about her everyday struggles as a “teacher with immigration background”. Loved this reaction of hers.

My trip to Lisbon

Drawings of a trip to the Portuguese capital in January 2015. Very much recommended!

Much much later

It’s quite embarassing, however, FINALLY after almost a WHOLE YEAR (!) I’m opening up my website. Being a perfectionist and working with a perfectionist makes a step like this quite hard. Check my blog entry for more information about my digital journey.


I pray for Deah, Yusor and Razan. I pray for their families. And I pray for justice. May there be less hate in this world. (You know, for me, this is not about “some” tragic incident that “just” happened to “some” Muslim family “somewhere” in the US. There are countless tragedies everyday. However, this incident […]

Turn around

Um.. how about turning around? I.Am.Sick.Of.Hearing/Reading.That. This is not just about demonstrations but any kind of “explicit denunciation” (which I have a problem with anyway considering global issues..).

Thank you, Germany

Danke, Deutschland. Check out what happened in Germany in January, 2015.

Bad sign

Sometimes, having too much “inspiration” is a bad sign… Btw, I know there is much more horrible stuff going on in the world. These are just topics that affect me personally.


There are more and more populist far-right groups organizing public demonstrations against “immigration”, “islamization” etc. in various German cities. Some politicians call them “neo-nazis in pinstripe suits”, however, our Federal Interior Minister emphasized the need to care about these people’s concerns… What about MY concerns..? *PEGIDA = Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident […]


News as well as my own work were quite depressing and full of worries. It was time for a positive doodle.