My weakness

A quick drawing that might remind you of some former works.

My trip to Bosnia

Some impressions of my Bosnia Trip last week. We went to Travnik, Sarajewo, Mostar and Srebrenica. Amazing country with a very sad history.


Preparing for my first trip to Bosnia.

Enjoy difference

Sometimes, I stand in the subway station looking around and wondering about all those different people. Some are talking in Turkish, some in French and others use an Asian language I cannot even identify. I wish more people would enjoy differences as much as I do.

Losing ground

Drawn after I had had my final exam at highschool.

Prospective amusement

I’m not a “LOL”-hater, although I don’t like to use it myself. But I always find it so weird, when people say it in real (at least here in Germany). Maybe because it’s combined with an odd facial expression I wonder too much about too many things. Look! It’s even hand lettered!

Sorrows of a young Muslimah II

This one is a big Hijabi-Insider. You know, if you don’t wear your headscarf correctly it’s possible that some hair sticks out from the side which can drive you crazy, at least me and my sister.

The truth is..

As a psychologist you always deny it, but in fact.. you can’t stop your thoughts! Especially when you just had an exam about psychiatric disorders.

Keep it up

Although I’m not a fan of driving cars: Women must have the right to do so! Just a very quick drawing to support the protest action of Saudi driving women.

Happy birthday, Miss Austen

Done on my favourite author’s birthday: Jane Austen. Inspired by the beautiful BBC adaptation of “Emma”.

I love you

As I told you in my last comic, I tried working with a real brush and real ink. And I loved it (although the ink was of bad quality). But now, a new area began: I got a Pentel brush pen as a birthday present and I just fell in love with it! I couldn’t […]