Looking for an assistant!

Don’t forget your mask ;)

Do you also have someone in your household that constantly forgets to take their mask when leaving the house? I have just the right thing for you: Choose a language, click on the image to get the high resolution version, download and print it and stick it to your apartment door, so everyone can see […]
It is possible

Dear tuffix friends & family, the days are getting shorter, everything is planned to happen inside and we are looking forward to sharing with you our steps we took in the last months. I, Stephie, have started working for Soufeina in the beginning of this year and I can say: I am happy to work […]
We are Staying Home – A colouring book

I have created a colouring book ? about what it means to stay home 🙂 It helps children understand that they are not alone in this situation, that other kids don‘t go to school, to the playground or their grandma, as well. That they also have to videocall their loved ones and that mom has to work […]
Free Ramadan Memory Game

Free Ramadan Memory Game FREE RAMADAN MEMORY GAME Free Ramadan Memory Game A few days ago, I created a little Ramadan Memory Game for my nephews and nieces. I realized: Why not share it with you? Maybe some of you will be happy to play something with your little ones. It’s a great way to […]
Review of 2019

Wait 2019 is over? Already? How…? Is it also too late to review 2019? Well, we’re still in January (2020! Oh man..) so let’s do this. The bad news: 2019 was probably the year I got the least personal projects done – I barely posted new comics on instagram or my website 🙁 BUT: The main reason […]
Tuffix bei den Muslimischen Kulturtagen MKT
Die “Muslimischen Kulturtage” sind eine vom Senat in Berlin geförderte Veranstaltungsreihe, die vom 19. – 22. September 2019 stattfanden. Innerhalb dieser Tage wurde ein breites kulturelles Programm auf die Beine gestellt, welches die Vielfältigkeit der Berliner Muslimischen Communities repräsentierte und nicht-muslimische BürgerInnen Berlins dazu einlud, das muslimische Leben und die kulturelle Vielfalt kennen zu lernen. […]
I am finally doing this: I am hiring!
01/2018 – A Review of 6 Months
Dear followers and friends, The first half of 2018 has passed and here I am: Not keeping my promise to share an update quarterly. Instead, this is gonna be an update of the past half year! Well, that’s better than nothing, right? The past six months have been full of personal and professional milestones. Back […]
2017 – A Review
Dear followers and friends, To be honest, when I created this blog three years ago I was not very sure how to handle it. I was not sure what to share, how often I would share etc. With all those social media platforms, facebook, instagram, deviantart – who would be even interested in reading a […]
My works and a Metal song, a Jewish home and Marwa El-Sherbini
Time flies and my life feels like a chaos. A positive chaos, although my body is giving me signals by muting me – my voice is gone for three days now. So, here’s some news: I quit my job to start a new one in Berlin – back to the roots. This means: Moving within […]
Next Stop: Stuttgart
Next stop: German Protestant Church Day (DEKT), on June 5. I will be sharing my experiences on a discussion panel about “Approaches and obstacles of interreligious learning”.
Too many news for a single post
These last few weeks were extremely exciting for me. I am so grateful to have the oppurtunity to travel around in order to show my work and talk about it. Alhamdulillah (Thank God). So here are my highlights:
Unexpected blessings, a museum and Rumi
Life is unpredictable, subhanallah (“Glory be to God”, said when you’re impressed by something). Sometimes you’re trying so hard to reach a specific point in life and although you keep pushing persistently it won’t work. It won’t work because it’s not the time yet. And because something else was planned for you, something that comes […]
25 awesome hours in Vienna
After having presented some artworks at the concert against racism in the Lagerhalle Osnabrück on Friday, I had the pleasure to visit Vienna for 25 hours for an empowerment-comic-workshop. It was so much fun! Thanks once again to the organizers, hosts and to every participant who came and shared her story. I love every single […]