Personal Work
Graphic Recording

A personal comic about the “bhar” (Tunisian for “beach”). My husband can testify that whenever we are on a beach somewhere in the world I would say: “But it’s not like in Tunisia…” Quarantine somehow made me think a lot about that place. I could write pages about this beach… the memories in it, the […]
19 February

It is difficult to find the right words for this. Yesterday was a dark day: On the night of 19 February, a far-right gunman opened fire outside two shisha bars in Germany. He killed at least nine people. All of them PoC. May their souls rest in peace. I don’t have to tell you that […]

No matter how many obstacles people put in your way, how much they try to silence you because you don’t fit to their definition of success or whatever: Be yourself, speak up, follow your passion. This comic is based on my friend Nilgün Akinci gloomy but empowering story. Thank you for sharing this ❤ You know, […]
Back to Black

When my brilliant friend Emine Aslan shared her thoughts on wearing black in one of her posts I immediately knew I wanted to draw them. Because I can relate 100%: It took me long to understand that avoiding black was not me thinking “it doesn’t suit me” – I just didn’t want to evoke specific stereotypical images. […]
Hackathon – Hack 4 Justice

This Graphic Recording was created for the hackathon “Hack 4 Justice”. The hackathon was initiated by Said Haider and took place on 22nd of June in the Impact Hub Berlin. The goal was to develop the first digital counselling center focussing on anti-discrimination – what an amazing project!
Muslimische Kulturtage

The graphic recording took place in the cinema Babylon titled “Growing Thoughts. In the labyrinth of our thoughts “. The “Muslim Culture Days” are a series of events sponsored by the Senate in Berlin, which took place from 19 to 22 September 2019, representing the diversity of the Berlin Muslim communities and inviting non-Muslim citizens of […]
Not Ready

I am not ready for fall, let alone winter ? My body is not and my mind neither. And let‘s not talk about all the Christmas cookies in the stores or I‘m gonna cry. . Used Clip Studio on the Ipad for the very first time and I‘m quite impressed!
Potty Parity

Two years ago, I watched a Ted Talk about sexism in architecture and how the shortage of ladies’ rooms is one of its symptoms. Male needs are the standard. Since then, every time I use a public washroom, I feel the urge to start a feminist restroom revolution ? And yes: Every. Single. Time.

Germany is in an ambivalent state. Right-wing parties and populists have gained much more power in the past years. That’s why it was so beautiful to see so many people protesting against hatred on the #unteilbar demonstration, last week. 40k people were expected but 240k attended eventually! It was beautiful and in the same time […]

My instagram followers voted: Here is the next comic of the series that from now on is called “Slices of Life” (name suggestion y @sabir_ansari). This comic is based on a cute story by my friend Tasneem, an extremely smart and funny lady from Dublin who is also a super talented poet!
Goodbye, Dublin

We are leaving Dublin in 2 days. For good. On the first day of Ramadan, exactly. Realizing that this chapter is over was tough for me. But they say you should leave on a high note and that’s what we are doing. Thank you to everyone who has made this an incredible past year ❤ […]