My trip to Lisbon

Drawings of a trip to the Portuguese capital in January 2015. Very much recommended!

Next trip

In April 2014, I left for my very first spiritual trip; I did the so called “small pilgrimage”. I was looking forward to kind of have a break from this rushing world and I was curious about how it will affect me.

My trip to Venice

Some drawings of a very short but very very amazing trip to Venice. That city is just so beautiful!

My (very) short trip to London

Although I’m from a metropolis myself (Berlin), London was a totally different experience. It felt like multiculturalism has reached an other level there. I couldn’t find a way to illustrate that feeling properly (: So these sketches are quite typical.

Guess what

I was preparing for my first London trip.

My trip to Tunisia

As every year I visit Tunisia in the summer. This year it was pretty late, more spontaneous and short: Only one week. However it was very nice and since you liked my Bosnia-sketches I decided to share some random drawings about it. Incomplete travel sketches. Enjoy (:

My trip to Bosnia

Some impressions of my Bosnia Trip last week. We went to Travnik, Sarajewo, Mostar and Srebrenica. Amazing country with a very sad history.


Preparing for my first trip to Bosnia.