The rooms

Please note: I know both “rooms” have much more to offer. This is just the overall feeling I get. No claim for completeness. It’s just interesting to see how the way of communicating, trusting others, opening up and how manners in general differ between these two virtual spaces. (click next, to see room 2)
Huge Step

Dear all, I am so excited to finally share this with you: I have decided to make a huge step: From now on, I will focus on my art professionally, first and foremost. Although, I will still be working as a part time project manager at LEAD Academy, I will dedicate the larger part of my […]

The quiet in the storm.
Much much later

It’s quite embarassing, however, FINALLY after almost a WHOLE YEAR (!) I’m opening up my website. Being a perfectionist and working with a perfectionist makes a step like this quite hard. Check my blog entry for more information about my digital journey.
Lights off

What is wrong with you, world?
Thank you, Germany

Danke, Deutschland. Check out what happened in Germany in January, 2015.

News as well as my own work were quite depressing and full of worries. It was time for a positive doodle.
Finally: A website!

I’ve been working on this website (and will be) for quite some time now with the very awesome and professional designer Serkan Zararsiz.

Finally spring

Everyone is posting pictures of enjoying this awesome spring weather. So I couldn’t resist to do so as well.

I was looking for a small challenge and thought: Hey, why not try to draw those super heavy, traditional hand made Tunisian dresses. They are full of colorful decorations and gold jewellery. Every Tunisian region has it’s own typical dress. I guess this is a mix of what I had in mind.
Simple coloring

One man’s curse – comic

The story is an abbreviated version of a German article I read in the German cubemag magazine
Prospective amusement

I’m not a “LOL”-hater, although I don’t like to use it myself. But I always find it so weird, when people say it in real (at least here in Germany). Maybe because it’s combined with an odd facial expression I wonder too much about too many things. Look! It’s even hand lettered!
Happy birthday, Miss Austen

Done on my favourite author’s birthday: Jane Austen. Inspired by the beautiful BBC adaptation of “Emma”.